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Overview of HS Code

Overview of HS Code

What is HS Code?

  • The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) is a international product nomenclature developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO) in order to facilitate the collection of trade-related statistics and tariffs on them. Most FTA contracting countries worldwide have adopted the HS Convention.
    • The first six digits of HS codes are common worldwide.
    • From the seventh digit of HS code varies from country to country.

Composition of HS Code (e.g.: 0101.29.1000 - HSK 10 digits)

  • ① 01: Chapter
  • ② 0101: Heading
  • ③ 0102.29: Subheading
  • ④ 0102.90.1000: 10-digit Code (Korea uses 10-digit code)

6 digit HS code is commonly used world-wide. Each country uses distinguished number of digits extended to additional 7th to 10th.

Nomenclature of the HS

Section Chapter Major Products
Section 1 Chapter 1 through 5 Live animals, animal products
Section 2 Chapter 6 through 14 Vegetable products
Section 3 through 4 Chapter 15 through 24 Animals or vegetable fats and oils, prepared
Section 5 Chapter 25 through 27 Mineral products
Section 6 Chapter 28 through 38 Products of the chemical or allied industries
Section 7 Chapter 39 through 40 Plastics and articles thereof, and rubber and
articles thereof
Section 8 Chapter 41 through 43 Raw hides and skins, leather, furskins and
articles thereof
Section 9 through 10 Chapter 44 through 49 Wood and articles of wood, pulp of wood
Section 11 Chapter 50 through 63 Textile and textile articles
Section 12 through 14 Chapter 64 through 71 Footwear, hats, wigs, articles made of stone,
Section 15 Chapter 72 through 83 Base metals and articles thereof
Section 16 Chapter 84 through 85 Machineries, electrical machinery and equipment
and parts thereof, sound recorders and
reproducers, television and parts thereof
Section 17 Chapter 86 through 89 Vehicles, aircraft, vessels and associated
transport equipment.
Section 18 Chapter 90 through 92 Optical, photographic instruments and apparatus,
watches, musical instruments
Section 19 Chapter 93 through 97 Arms and ammunition, miscellaneous
manufactured articles, works of art